Yearly Archives: 2025
Feb 21
Ayomide Oraegbu and Emmanuel Jolaiya, second-year students of the Eramus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies at the Universitat Jaume I, together with two students from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, took second place in the GeoAI Hack, a two-day hackathon that took place in Paris and brought together more than 100 participants from around the […]
Read moreOn February 13, NOVAIMS students visited the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).First year students had the opportunity to visit the control center of the agency and to hear about remote sensing applications in maritime safety. We thank German and Filipe for the detailed presentations.
Read moreFeb 07
Entrepreneurship ideas at NOVAIMS
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Pitch day for entrepreneurship ideas. On February 7, 5 groups of NOVAIMS 1st semester Geotech students pitched their novel ideas for a company. Many thanks to NOVA Impact (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) and Marta Busetto for the organization.
Read moreOn February 4 the first year student at NOVAIMS visited NOVA Cidade where they saw demonstrations of analytical applications in cities and regions. Thank you to our host André Barriguina.
Read morePitch day for the GROW (Goals Requisites Opportunity Win) course at NOVAIMS.Thanks to Professor Rute Silva for her commitment.
Read moreThe first year students at NOVAIMS visited the Center for Advanced Analytics of the Fidelidade Insurance Company, where they saw GIS and Artificial Intelligence applications in the insurance industry. We thank our hosts for the time and presentations.
Read moreJan 23
Guest speaker Carmen Cabrera-Arnau, lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the University of Liverpool’s Geographic Data Science Lab (GDSL), visited UJI in the realm of the Data Science module. Carmen told the students about GDSL’s research topics and gave a practical workshop on space networks. .
Read moreJan 20
On January 20th 1st year Geotech students at NOVAIMS visited DGT including the sections on the Geodetic National Infrastructure, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (SNIG), the Landuse Monitoring Service (SMOS), the National Territorial Information System (SNIT) and the Cartography and Photogrammetry Department.
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